What Is Secondary Education?


Secondary education is the second stage of formal education during adolescence. It marks the transition from compulsory primary education to optional or selective secondary education. It may take the form of secondary or high schools, gymnasiums, middle schools, colleges, and vocational schools. The boundary between primary and secondary education varies by country, but is generally around the seventh or tenth year of education. Its goals are largely similar to those of primary education, including imparting knowledge and skills necessary for working life.

Formal education

Informal education is a kind of learning that doesn’t come from a formal educational process, and isn’t pre-planned or deliberate. Rather, it is acquired by experiencing a wide variety of situations and activities. This can include learning the language of a community or a native language, performing extracurricular activities, or developing a skill. Informal education can also be used to refer to adult basic education. Both types of learning are important, and are complementary.

Formal education involves carrying out a planned curriculum. In formal education, the educational center determines topics, and adjusts its activities to specific dates. In a formal educational center, teachers should show responsibility and seriousness in their approach to teaching their courses, because they are accountable for meeting specific objectives. They should also have the skills and qualifications to assess student progress. If the curriculum is not suitable for a given student, further training might be required.

International student exchanges

International student exchanges in education provide a great opportunity for students from diverse backgrounds. Many programs are designed to help students experience the culture of a new country. Depending on the program, exchange students may attend an accredited U.S. high school or university for six to ten months. While these programs are typically long-term, they can also be short-term. Most programs require a basic level of language proficiency. Students can also stay in the host country for up to a year or more depending on their host school.

One great benefit of participating in an exchange is the opportunity to learn a new language. Some student exchange programmes have language courses, which can help students improve their skills in another language. These exchanges are also an excellent opportunity for students to meet new people, travel, and make business contacts. The benefits of international student exchanges in education are numerous. While these exchanges may be expensive, they are well worth the investment. There are many ways to get the most out of them.

Economic impact of schooling disruptions

Whether you’re in school or not, you’ve likely thought about the economic impacts of disruptions in schooling. For the world’s working population, schooling disruptions cost an estimated $1.6 trillion a year. In the United States alone, school closures can reduce annual economic output by 0.9 percent. These disruptions have profound long-term consequences. The OECD estimates that a one-year loss of learning results in lost income of 4.6 to 16.7 percent of global GDP.

Disruptions to schooling also affect the quality of education, which has strong correlations with economic growth. Moreover, education is a determining factor for employment, social renewal, and health. Studies have shown that a school closing can cause a 3% reduction in a student’s lifetime income. In the long run, this could lead to a reduction of 1.5% in annual GDP for the rest of the century.