The Definition of Technology and Artifacts


Technology is the systematic application of knowledge to achieve a practical goal. It has a wide variety of applications in fields such as medicine, science, industry, communications, and everyday life. The term technology is sometimes used to refer to the methods used to create a particular artifact. This article provides a basic definition of technology and discusses its various types.

Artifacts created by humans

Artifacts are items created by humans with the use of technology and have a function. However, function alone is not enough to describe a technical artifact; it must also be a physical object. This program explains the dual nature of technical artifacts and the importance of considering both aspects.

Artifacts are objects created by humans and are useful in learning about past cultures. The discovery of artifacts by archaeologists helps researchers to reconstruct the history and cultures of past peoples. Since many ancient cultures had no written language or actively documented their history, these artifacts are valuable evidence.

Methods used to create them

Methods used to create technology are closely related to scientific inquiry and mathematical modeling. They consist of conceiving a problem and designing a solution to it. Generally, the method involves formulating a general approach to the problem and then adding specific technical details. The methods are applied to everything from irrigation to opinion polls and product testing. The results of the research are compiled in a report that is intended to be patented and distributed.

Impact on society

One of the most common issues surrounding the impact of technology on society is the depletion of natural resources. This includes fossil fuels, food sources, and rare earth elements. As a result of our increasing reliance on technology, we are suffering from a large increase in chronic disease and cancer cases. Additionally, the growing demand for electronics is depleting the earth’s supply of rare minerals, which is contributing to world conflicts.

As technology continues to progress, the social effects of technology have also increased. Some studies show that technology can help a society evolve and achieve higher levels of global progress. The impact of technology can be seen in all aspects of life, from the ways we communicate to our most basic needs. Even our societal languages are influenced by the use of technology.

Instrumental definition of technology

The instrumental definition of technology is the predominant paradigm in contemporary technology discourse. The instrumental definition of technology devalues the agency of the human being and emphasizes the use and innovation of technology. It treats technology as a mechanical means, a mere means, to achieve a goal. It exacerbates the anxiety that technology is out of control, and relegates human agency to a small, narrow group of technical elite and rare creative genius.

The word “technology” has its roots in the Indo-European word tek, which probably referred to building a wooden house with wattling. Another similar sounding word, textile, was used to refer to the skill of working with wood. While the Greek term techne originally described skills in working with wood, it soon became a generalized term for specialized expertise. It was also used to describe the use of artificial things. Some writers of the Greek classics, including Aristotle, considered medicine to be a form of techne.

Social impact of technology

The term “technology society” refers to the relationship between technology and society. The two co-depend on one another for both production and consumption. This relationship has existed since humanity first used tools. For example, a tool that can cut wood would have a social impact. Humanity’s relationship with technology can be traced back thousands of years.

As the speed of technological change increases, social impact has become a critical consideration for entrepreneurs today. In addition to economic and political changes, seemingly innocuous trends can have enormous effects on their business. Although technological change is largely driven by innovation, many of its effects are social in nature. In this article, we look at some of these social impacts of technology.