Examples of Technology


The current state of human knowledge about resource combining is called technology. It refers to a wide variety of methods, skills, tools, processes, and raw materials. It also describes the high levels of knowledge in a field. As a result, technology can be used as a descriptive term or a verb. For instance, state-of-the-art technology refers to the highest level of technology currently available to humanity. However, some of the most useful examples of technology are not necessarily tangible.

Technological systems

There are many different types of technological systems. They are composed of various parts that work together and may include subsystems. Often, they are embedded in larger systems and interact with other systems. Technological systems are complex and dynamic, and the more sophisticated they are, the more energy they require and the more they are prone to error. Typically, technological systems incorporate various processes and components to convert inputs into outputs, as well as feedback and control. Various techniques are used to make technological systems more reliable and efficient.

Examples of technology

A technological device, a tool or a process, which performs a function by means of power or a combination of these components, is an example of technology. The term technology is used in a wide variety of areas, from the simple nail pin to the most complex particle accelerator. It can range from simple machines to virtual, cloud-based services, and anything in between. Some examples of technology include automobiles, airplanes, and computers.

Methods of production

Production processes and methods involve the use of machine tools and related equipment. These tools are usually non-portable and power-driven and perform specific actions on materials to produce marketable products or components. Computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems, assembly and testing systems, and software-based methods for process optimization are also included in methods of production using technology. The main objective of each type of production process is to produce a particular end product at the lowest possible cost, while maintaining a certain level of quality.

Impact of technology on society

One of the many effects of technology is pollution. The negative impact of technology includes global warming, fossil fuel emissions, and the pollution that plagues cities around the world. Industrialization has led to massive pollution, and the result is a high rate of cancer and chronic illness incidents. The subject of climate change is highly debated, but many scientists agree that it is real and will be a problem for the future. Fortunately, there are ways to address the negative effects of technology on society.


The word ‘technology’ comes from two Greek words: tekhne, which means craft, art, or science, and logos, which is a suffix meaning knowledge, science, or craft. The ancient Greeks used the word ‘techne’ to describe the ability to make something, so it was a very relevant term to the development of science. Aristotle related techne to the sciences, mathematics, and crafts.

Importance of teaching concepts of technology

Teaching concepts of technology has multiple purposes. One of these purposes is to provide a common language for students to understand the various concepts in technology. These concepts are not defined consistently, but are generally based on big ideas. In the context of technology education, students should learn to understand broad patterns of design and development. In New Zealand, students should understand that technology is a tool for problem solving, but it’s also a tool for crafting and modifying products.