What Is Law New?

The legal profession is a field that is constantly changing. This is particularly true of the practice of law as it evolves to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse client base. One way that firms are responding to these new demands is through the concept of “law new.” While this term is not always easy to define, it essentially means providing legal services in new ways. It can include working with underserved communities, coming up with unique strategies for reaching clients and providing services that are outside of a firm’s traditional area of practice.

The latest news from the Section, including legislative and regulatory updates in federal, state, local, and tribal law, CLE programs, and more.

International Law News is a quarterly publication of the Section, available to all members, that brings together international law news topics. The Section’s editors select the most important developments in international law and policy and present them in a short, digestible format.

A bill is a proposal for a new law or a change to an existing law. A bill can come from a member of Congress, either during their election campaign or during the course of their service in the House or Senate, or it may be recommended by citizens or citizen groups to their congressional representative. Once a bill is introduced, it will be assigned to a committee that will research and debate the issues raised by the legislation. If the bill is passed, it will become a law.

Several states are considering new laws that would require companies to disclose when their data breaches expose personal information of consumers. Those laws are an effort to help protect people from identity theft and fraud. In addition, the federal government is considering new laws that could help people who have been hacked by foreign governments.

The upper chamber of the Russian parliament has approved a bill that dramatically expands restrictions on activities seen as promoting LGBTQ rights in the country. The legislation will also toughen penalties for arson and large-scale thefts at stores.

New York City agencies must provide notice to employees and job applicants about the availability of student loan forgiveness programs. This bill requires the Department of Citywide Administrative Services, in consultation with the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection, to prepare a notice for agency employees and job applicants that is consistent with state requirements.