What Is a Daily Newspaper?

A daily newspaper is a periodical publication consisting of news, articles, advertisements, and other information. It is usually published four or more times a week, and reports events that have occurred since the previous issue. It may also contain a variety of opinion pieces and commentary. Typically, it is read by people who are interested in current events and political affairs.

The term daily news may refer to the newspapers published in a city, town, or country on a regular basis, or it may be used as an adjective for a periodical publication that provides local or national news. In the United States, the name has generally been used to describe the New York Daily News, a tabloid founded in 1919 and the first U.S. daily to be printed in tabloid format. Today it is one of the largest-circulation newspapers in the nation and is owned by tronc. The New York Daily News is not to be confused with the Illustrated Daily News, a newspaper that was published in Los Angeles during the 19th century.

At its peak circulation in 1947, the Daily News had 2.4 million readers, and was then the ninth most widely circulated newspaper in the United States. The newspaper has a moderate to liberal bias, and is often contrasted with the conservative New York Post. The Daily News is headquartered in the historic art deco Daily News Building at 220 East 42nd Street, designed by John Mead Howells and Raymond Hood. It is a designated city landmark and served as the model for the Daily Planet building in the Superman films. The News maintains local offices in Brooklyn and Queens.

In addition to a comprehensive news and editorial section, the Daily News offers celebrity gossip, classified ads, comics, and sports coverage. During the early part of its history, it was a strong advocate of prohibition and labor rights. Its editorial policy was often controversial, and it strongly opposed pro-Nazi views. In recent years, it has been more moderate in its politics.

The Daily News is not without its critics, including a group of shareholders that want to block the sale of the newspaper to cost-slashing hedge fund Alden Global Capital. Amid a flurry of lawsuits, public protests and written appeals, the shareholders vote on whether to approve the takeover next week. Regardless of the outcome, the newspaper is likely to experience significant changes in its business model. This will make it important for the newspaper to keep its readership engaged and its staff committed to its mission. The paper will have to be innovative in order to remain competitive and retain its audience. It will also have to keep its focus on the quality of its writing. The paper should aim for accuracy and fairness, while being willing to challenge the status quo. This will help to ensure that the Daily News is a reliable source of information and that it is not taken advantage of by its competitors.