What Is a Daily News?

daily news

A daily news is a newspaper that is published on a regular basis. Most daily newspapers contain news about world events, politics and government, business, economics, sports, entertainment, and other topics of general interest. Many also have editorials and opinion articles, as well as classified ads, comics, and a section for local news. Some also have a website, and in some cases the same material is posted online as in print.

Newspapers are typically published each day or weekly, although some may publish on other schedules. They are generally read by members of the public, businesspeople and government officials. Many daily newspapers are distributed free of charge, while others sell advertising space in order to support the printing costs. In some countries, daily newspapers are subject to journalism ethics standards set by a national body or regulatory agency.

In most cases, the overall manager of a newspaper is called the publisher, although the term is also used for the chief editor or executive editor. In smaller publications, the overall manager may be referred to as the editorial director or a similar title. Newspapers often have departments for editing, production/printing, circulation, and advertising, as well as other non-newspaper-specific departments such as accounting, human resources, and IT.

The Yale Daily News is an independent student newspaper serving the Yale community and beyond. The paper is published each weekday during the academic year and has been in continuous publication for over 130 years, making it one of the oldest college newspapers in the United States. The Yale Daily News has had an illustrious history, and many of its writers, columnists, and staff have gone on to prominent careers in journalism and in public life.

As the economic crisis that began with the pandemic has deepened, many newspapers have slashed salaries and laid off staff. Some have reorganized to focus on digital products. For example, the Chicago Tribune’s daily news website now contains stories previously printed in its print edition, and some staffers have been shifted to new digital roles.

Other newspapers have shut down, and several of the remaining ones are struggling financially. The owners of the New York Daily News, for example, have announced that they plan to close its newsrooms in suburban offices around the country. The closures are part of a plan by the hedge fund Alden Global Capital to cut costs at its MediaNews chain, including the Daily News. The announcement prompted employees at the paper to start campaigns calling for local benefactors to “save” their newspapers.

The AllSides Media Bias Rating for Daily News is Left. Sources with a Media Bias Rating of Left consistently present information in ways that are strongly aligned with liberal, progressive, or left-wing thought and policy agendas. See how your favorite sources stack up against the Daily News. For more on our rating methodology, click here. The Daily News is a division of Tribune Publishing Co., which is owned by the billionaire Philip Morrison family.