Using Daily News to Teach Literacy, Science, and Social Studies

daily news

Whether you’re teaching students in grades k-8 or you just want them to have access to news articles anytime and anywhere, daily news is a fantastic tool for teaching literacy, science, social studies, and media skills. With articles written in three different Lexile levels, students can read and engage with the content at their own pace.

A Beginner’s Guide to Newspaper Writing

The first part of a news article is called the lead and it should explain what has happened. It should be short and snappy so that your audience can understand the message of your report. It should also use the past tense, and it should include quotes. The lead should be about one paragraph long and it should start with the main point and end with extra information about the topic.

You should also include a few sentences to give the reader an idea of how the story ends and a few quotes from people who know more about what’s happening. This will make the article more interesting and help your audience to feel more involved in the story.

A Newspaper Headline

The headline is the most important part of a newspaper article, and it should contain the main point of the story. It should be snappy and interesting so that your audience will want to read the rest of the article. It should use the past tense, and it will always include quotes.

A Newspaper Caption

A caption is a small box in the top right corner of a picture which describes what it is. It can include a quote from someone and can be coloured in. It should be a bit bigger than the picture so that your audience can easily see it.

Using a Newspaper Structure in the Classroom

The structure of a news story is important for children to learn and it can be useful to have them write their own articles in this format. It can help them to develop their writing, cooperation, and teamwork skills.

It is also a good way to get students interested in journalism and news writing. It will also help them to understand how the news reports that they read in the newspaper work and the features of news writing.

Great Lakes Daily News is an online publication curated by Great Lakes Commission staff that provides news coverage of issues related to the Great Lakes. Subscribers receive an email digest every day that includes a selection of recent Great Lakes news from professional media outlets.

Daily News for Kids

With an interactive news section, weekly calendars, and more, Daily News is a great tool to help students learn critical thinking skills. It also helps them to understand how to research their topics and use media literacy in their writing and speaking.

Thousands of teachers use Daily News in their literacy, science, and social studies curriculums. It is a high-quality, credible source for students of all ages and backgrounds.