The Philosophy of Education


The purpose of education is to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge, skills, beliefs, and morals. Its goals also include the development of personal qualities such as critical thinking, empathetic response, and advanced vocational skills. While the original goals of education focused on the transmission of cultural heritage, modern educational practices have widened their scope to include liberation of the learner. The current emphasis is on critical thinking about presented information and developing complex vocational skills.

Philosophy of education

The philosophy of education encompasses the different views on education and its goals. Its fundamental principles include the transmission of culture and identity to the younger generations, intellectual refinement, and social responsibility. The key proponents of the Western Civilization philosophy emphasize the need for schools to teach students about the great books of Western civilization, moral and intellectual standards, and the application of reason. The philosophy of education is an important part of society’s overall education policy.

Concepts of education

What is Education? Education is the systematic process of imparting knowledge to an individual with the aim of maximizing their overall development, physical, mental and spiritual. It aims to socialize individuals and shape their character. Hence, education is a necessary step towards a good future and is essential for the progress of society. There are various important concepts that govern education. Here are some of them. Understanding Education will help us understand the benefits of education.

People-centered model of education

The PEOPLE project developed a process for fostering a balanced exchange of knowledge and ideas through a project-based approach. This process involves the creation of local development teams containing students, industry experts and academic mentors who test and validate new ideas. The results of these workshops are shared with the international external audience. The process is supported by a series of 13 readings on the People-Centered model. Listed below are some of the highlights of the PEOPLE project.

Mosaic approach to education

The Mosaic approach to education aims to unearth the voices of young children with SEBD. In their research, five young children from a nurture group, their parents, the Head of School, the teacher, and the Learning Support Assistant shared their experiences of school with a mosaic of questions. These children were then asked to assign task-values to their favourite places and activities. In this way, the mosaic approach allowed researchers to gain insight into what makes children’s school experiences rewarding and enjoyable.

Impact of globalization on education

Globalization has had many positive effects on education. For starters, it makes people behave more similar, which makes them more employable. It also improves literacy rates. However, it has not improved education for everyone, resulting in widening the gap between the urban and rural areas. Education should be able to create awareness about human rights and promote mutual understanding. Consequently, education is essential for the development of individuals and nations.