New Law for Lawyers

The practice of law is a constantly evolving field. Lawyers must keep up with the latest trends and ideas to continue providing quality service to their clients. One area that is gaining in popularity is new law. New law is a broad concept that includes a variety of different strategies that can help legal firms increase revenue and client satisfaction. It can be difficult to define but in general it means finding ways to offer new legal services that have not been available in the past. It can also include working with underserved communities and creating unique business models.

The right of the people to be informed of the process and facts upon which governmental decisions are based is fundamental to our democracy. The public has a right to inspect or obtain copies of records used in the making of those decisions. This right shall not be abridged or denied except when the record is exempted by applicable statute. Any agency that denies access to a record pursuant to this article has the burden of showing that such denial is necessary in the interests of justice.

In addition to being the primary lawmaking branch of the federal government, Congress is also a powerful tool for creating and implementing laws at the state level. Each chamber of Congress, the House of Representatives and the Senate has its own process for introducing a bill to create a new law and for approving a final version of the legislation to be sent to the other body. Once both bodies approve the legislation, it is enacted into law by the President and becomes a federal statute. Enacted laws are published on this website after NARA assigns them public law (PL) numbers and slip law texts. They are then added to the Statutes at Large, which contains all laws, both public and private, enacted by Congress during each session of Congress.

Interested in learning about the legislative process? Then check out How Our Laws Are Made, an interactive website from the National Archives that shows how a bill becomes a law. It features information about the bill-writing process in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, including how a bill is drafted and how it changes during the Congressional debates.