How to Find Business News
Business news is the reporting of business related events and developments. It is a vital form of information for businessmen, investors, stakeholders and consumers as it affects the financial world in which we all live. It covers everything from economic trends to new product launches and company mergers and acquisitions. Financial news is especially important for individuals as it can directly affect their portfolios, investing and trading activities.
There are several types of business news publications available, including newspapers and magazines. Many general business news publications focus on large global issues and events affecting all businesses while others may be more industry specific. Business news publications are typically published on a regular basis with daily or weekly updates. Many of these publications have online versions as well as print editions. Additionally, there are a number of specialized business news publications available, such as those covering the automotive, aviation and technology industries.
The term business is broadly defined to encompass any organized effort to create, purchase and sell goods or services in order to generate profit. This can be accomplished through a variety of structures such as sole proprietorships, partnerships or corporations. While the primary goal of business is profit, there are also a number of non-profit organizations that operate as businesses for charitable or social purposes.
If you are looking for specific business news, it is best to stick with the major national and international sources as they will have the most coverage. However, if you are interested in regional or local business news, you will need to adopt more specific search strategies in order to find it. Additionally, there are a number of business news publications that cover the news exclusively through their websites.
In the CO– world of post-pandemic growth, a trio of very different companies are leveraging unique strengths to catalyze expansion. Find out how American Express is tapping into the surge of small business formations, weight loss app Noom is enhancing its platform to address user needs in the wellness boom and Hilton is putting its first-ever economy hotel on the market.
This guide has been compiled by the Business Reference Specialists at the Library of Congress. It is intended to provide an overview of major U.S. and international business news sources that are available in the Library’s collection. For more information, please feel free to Ask-A-Librarian.