Why is Education Important?


Why is Education Important? How does it impact society and human rights? What are its main characteristics? What are the goals of education? How do we get the most out of it? These questions are at the heart of the debate. In this article, we will explore these questions in more detail. After all, without an education, we would not be in a position to understand the world around us. So, how important is education to society? And what can we do to improve it?

Goals of education

What are the goals of education? Ideally, students will be able to understand and appreciate the breadth and diversity of human endeavor and achievement, including the arts, sciences, and social sciences. They should learn about diverse cultures, be aware of their own heritage and roots, and develop skills for personal responsibility and civic participation. The goals of education are outlined below, with more specifics found in each goal. But what are these goals, and how can we reach them?

Characteristics of education

There are several characteristics that determine the quality of an education, but one aspect that is overlooked by many is the type of curriculum. While some people might find fancy doodads and electronic whiteboards enticing, they are not necessary. Schools should channel funding towards teachers and curriculum development, not into gimmicks. Lastly, schools should take learning seriously, and maintain strict discipline. In the U.S., many schools have strict dress codes, and teachers are often judged by how orderly classrooms are. Even though this may not sound like the best way to educate children, it is necessary in a democracy.

Impact of education on society

In a functionalist view of education, the impact of education is the creation of common values. Education creates responsible citizens who respect authority, respect others, and are punctual. The impact of education on society has long been discussed, but few scholars have attempted to explain its full significance. In the United States, for example, free compulsory education became popular during the 19th century in hopes of developing such common values. Children from immigrants are learning English and U.S. history in schools, and the English-only movement aims to achieve this goal.

Impact of education on human rights

The impact of education on human rights is critical to economic development. Education improves productivity and competitiveness, and it is consistent with the larger agenda of governments, which seek a skilled and productive workforce. Education policies that promote universal access and prevent discrimination against the most vulnerable groups will broaden the society and enhance its economic capability. But education does not always improve human rights, as human rights violations are often the result of economic development policies.


Pedagogy in education refers to the study of teaching and learning. This includes the strategies used by educators to teach and how they assess the students’ responses to lessons. Educationists believe that pedagogy is an important tool to ensure effective teaching and learning, and they have developed many pedagogical practices. This article aims to provide a better understanding of this field and what educators should be aware of. Let’s take a closer look.

Value of education

The process of delivering moral values to children through education constitutes the Value of education. This definition comes from Powney et al. (1994). It is not simply a process of acquiring knowledge. The process of giving moral values is itself a value. But how can an educational institution deliver this value to students? It is possible to develop this value in many ways. Listed below are some ideas to make your decision a little easier.